Monday, September 19, 2011

Class Assignment 2

      Onyango Obama, the half-brother of President Barack Obama’s late father, was stopped last night, in Massachusetts, for suspected drunk driving. He had failed to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, causing the fast reaction of a police officer to push on his brakes to prevent a collision.

            Police officer Val Krishtal said that Obama failed sobriety tests and blew a reading of 0.14 percent on a blood-alcohol breath test; keeping in mind the legal blood-alcohol limit is 0.08percent. He was then arrested and taking to Farmington, about 20 miles west of Boston. Obama pled not guilty to the charge of drunk driving and was held, on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, without bail. His immigration status could not directly be confirmed, and a spokesman for ICE declined to comment on Obama’s immigration case.

            Obama was later booked in at the police station and was asked if he wanted to make a phone call to arrange for bail.

“I think I will call the White House,” he stated, according to a police report filed in District Court.

            Onyango Obama, the half-brother of President Barack Obama’s late father, was stopped last night, in Massachusetts, for suspected drunk driving. Come to find out Obama is also going under investigation of his immagration status.

            Police officer Val Krishtal said that Obama failed sobriety tests and blew a reading of 0.14 percent on a blood-alcohol breath test; keeping in mind the legal blood-alcohol limit is 0.08percent. He was then arrested and taking to Farmington, about 20 miles west of Boston. Obama pled not guilty to the charge of drunk driving and was held, on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, without bail. His immigration status could not directly be confirmed, and a spokesman for ICE declined to comment on Obama’s immigration case. 

           “I think I will call the White House,” Obama said, according to a police report filed, when he was asked if he wanted to make a phone call after he was finished being booked in.

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