Wednesday, December 7, 2011

From Calling Plays to Calling For Bail

Jerry Sandusky, ex Penn State coach, arrested Wednesday morning from his home by Pennsylvania state police, on more charges of child sexual abuse.
Sandusky was already charged with 40 counts of children sexual abuse involving eight young boys within a 15-year span. He has denied being a pedophile. In interviews with NBC and The New York Times, he has said he showered and horsed around with boys but never sexually abused them. The new charges include four counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and two counts of unlawful contact with a minor. He also was charged with a count of indecent assault and two counts of endangering the welfare of children, all of these being felonies and could lead him to facing real time in prison. Most of these cases have a connection with his charity, The Second Mile.
"As in many of the other cases identified to date, the contact with Sandusky allegedly fit a pattern of `grooming' victims," Attorney General Linda Kelly said in a statement. "Beginning with outings to football games and gifts; they later included physical contact that escalated to sexual assaults."

After LeBron Comes Reyes: Moving Talents to Miami

Short-Stop Jose Reyes just signed a new contract with the Miami Marlins. The team introduced Reyes at the MLB Winter Meeting in Dallas.

Reyes got his start in the professional baseball league with the New York Mets. With them, last year he received DL batting title with average hits of .337. Reyes has much love for New York, but it was time to make a change. Miami gave him a six-year contract worth $106 million. He says Miami showed him that he was wanted.

"Now I'm with a new family [Miami Marlins]... and I'm happy to be part of a new family." Reyes says.

The Christmas Gift: NBA Season

The 2011 – 2012 NBA Season is back on track and starts Christmas Day. There are 66 games between Christmas and April. One of the most talked about games of the day is the rematch of the 2011 championship, the Miami Heat taking on the Dallas Mavericks.

Five games are slated for the day: The Boston Celtics play at the New York Knicks; the Chicago Bulls are at the Los Angeles Lakers, the Oklahoma City Thunder play the Orlando Magic, and the Los Angeles Clippers face the Golden State Warriors. There are 42 back-to-back-to-back games in the overall schedule. Each team has at least one of these "triples," some more than one. 

"Those back-to-back-to-backs will be tough for every team," said the Hawks' Josh Smith. "We're a young team, but we get tired, too." That’s what the players have to do to get back on track due to the lock-out.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Two in One: Avengers vs. X-Men

        Marvel announces their next big event: Avengers vs. X-Men coming in 2012. A great series coming that has comic fans talking!

        It is like the ultimate comic book combination. Two of the most popular super hero groups in one place, featuring five of the industry's most influential writers: Brain Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Jonathan Hickman and Matt Fraction.

"It's one of those legendary ideas: What if the Avengers fought the X-Men? It doesn't get much easier to describe than that," Ed Brubaker says, one of the new comics writers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What It Means To Attend TSU A HBCU

Students at Texas Southern University (TSU) let it be known how they feel about going to a Historic Black College and University (HBCU) and what it is like to be a student at TSU as well.
“I love going to TSU, I turned down six other schools to come here,” said by senior Win Cashin.
People have to get involved with TSU. It could be a life changing experience.
Going to all HBCU’s is not what it used to be.
A lot of HBCU are getting cuts on funding and the students are the ones left with that problem.
“I can’t even have class in the old science building because the school doesn’t have enough money to put speakers in classrooms, but then again they have enough money to work on the appearance. Isn’t learning a little more important?” The third year student wanted to remain unknown.
With that being said, when will the staff at the school realize this?
People shouldn’t have to be ashamed about going to a HBCU; it is a great opportunity to start your adult life off right.
“HBCU’s are great for people of our color to go, because the professors, well most of them, seem like they are willing to go to extra step to see their students succeed,” the thoughts of first year student Brittany Turner.
Students shouldn’t have to think that just because they go to a HBCU they aren’t going to get the same learning they would if they went to a major university.
“Being a student at TSU isn’t what I thought it would be. Yes, I love my school but it took a while for it to grow on me.” That was said by second year student Brandon Smith who wanted to attend a HBCU.
To try and make TSU better when the new President came closed open registration and that is taking away from the number of students that can get into the school.
“When the new president came and took over a lot of things changed,” said John Perry, former TSU student, “It seemed like they were trying to change things that made TSU, TSU and students weren’t as happy as they once were.”
John Perry didn’t return to TSU after that year.
When things are changing at a small HBCU like TSU, people notice especially the attending students.
“As a people when we come together for the better of something we can do anything. Being at a small HBCU like TSU has its good time and then there are times that you think to yourself ‘why did I come all the way to this school’ you have to want to better yourself and there is nowhere else that’s going to get you on the right track other than this HBCU, TSU”
People always put HBCU especially small ones like TSU in last place, but there are optimal things about attending a school like this. People just have to give them a chance.
Going to a HBCU is what the person makes it.
For information on TSU please visit the school website;

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Class Assignment 2 10/12

In the video someone has set up a pile of colorful balloons and a little puppy comes in from the right and starts popping all the balloons. As one pops the puppy goes to the next, biting into the balloon, and making them pop. The puppy doesn't stop till the last balloon is gone, popping all of the balloons in less than twenty seconds, and then just goes on bout its way as if nothing went on.

Class Assignment 10/12

In the video there was a man that got hit with a big green water balloon. He knew it was coming but decided to be someone else’s laughter. The video was slowed down so the watcher could see a lot of small details. The man just stands there while someone comes close to him and just flings a water balloon in his face. As his eyes start closing the water balloon is coming, he can see it coming. When the water balloon makes contact with his face it explodes and his head also gets pushed back. Water goes everywhere and his face goes from no emotion to showing emotion of a little pain, as if the balloon popping on his face hurt him. Things people will post these days.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Class Assignment 2

      Onyango Obama, the half-brother of President Barack Obama’s late father, was stopped last night, in Massachusetts, for suspected drunk driving. He had failed to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, causing the fast reaction of a police officer to push on his brakes to prevent a collision.

            Police officer Val Krishtal said that Obama failed sobriety tests and blew a reading of 0.14 percent on a blood-alcohol breath test; keeping in mind the legal blood-alcohol limit is 0.08percent. He was then arrested and taking to Farmington, about 20 miles west of Boston. Obama pled not guilty to the charge of drunk driving and was held, on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, without bail. His immigration status could not directly be confirmed, and a spokesman for ICE declined to comment on Obama’s immigration case.

            Obama was later booked in at the police station and was asked if he wanted to make a phone call to arrange for bail.

“I think I will call the White House,” he stated, according to a police report filed in District Court.

            Onyango Obama, the half-brother of President Barack Obama’s late father, was stopped last night, in Massachusetts, for suspected drunk driving. Come to find out Obama is also going under investigation of his immagration status.

            Police officer Val Krishtal said that Obama failed sobriety tests and blew a reading of 0.14 percent on a blood-alcohol breath test; keeping in mind the legal blood-alcohol limit is 0.08percent. He was then arrested and taking to Farmington, about 20 miles west of Boston. Obama pled not guilty to the charge of drunk driving and was held, on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, without bail. His immigration status could not directly be confirmed, and a spokesman for ICE declined to comment on Obama’s immigration case. 

           “I think I will call the White House,” Obama said, according to a police report filed, when he was asked if he wanted to make a phone call after he was finished being booked in.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Class Assignment 1

Story 1:

Killing everyone on board, a military airplane crashed yesterday afternoon. The crash happened not too far from Chile's Juan Fernandez Islands, in the Pacific Ocean.

Twenty-one people have been reported dead, this time, including a popular Chilean television personality Felipe Camiroaga. Chile officials say that searchers and fishermen found four bodies, two women and two men, this morning. Chilean Defense Minister Andres Allamand says “After a search involving the commander in chief of the FACh (Chilean air force), the conclusion has been reached that the impact was so powerful it would have led to the instant death of those on board the plane.” If there are any, the President, Sebastian Pinera, said that the government will do everything they can to recover as many bodies as possible.

It is shocking because Chile has one of the best air-safety records in Latin America. The last time the air force had a plane crash was in 2000 on the south coast of Chile; that day fourteen people died. The time before that was way back in 1991 off the same coast and twenty people died then.


Atrial Fibrillation is something millions of people worldwide suffer from each day. This pasted Sunday a new drug that could help with this problem, was introduced in Paris.

European Society of Cardiology was the place that everything took place. The results were published on the website of the New England Journal of Medicine. The study of the new medicine, Eliquis, included 18,201 people and 1,034 clinical sites in 39 countries, including the United States. Studies showed that the drug prevented 21 percent more strokes then the medicine, Warfarin, which people are taking now. It helps with 31 percent fewer incidents of major bleeding. It also reduced total deaths by 11 percent.

Bristol-Myers Squibb and Pfizer expect to introduce the new drug for approval to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration by the end of 2011. If it does get approved its makers plan to trumpet in its marketing campaign. “It’s a remarkable achievement. This is one of the most significant advances in cardiovascular medicine in the last five years, no question.” said by Dr. Valentin Fuster, a past president of American and World Heart Associations.


Tropical storm Lee has brought many rain storms and floods all across the gulf coast. Warnings have been issued all the way from the Louisiana-Texas state line to the town of Destin in Florida.

Thousands of people along the coast have no power. Some parts of Louisiana and Mississippi have no power because of heavy rain and wind that knocked down power lines. There are also pats that have started flooding, getting to businesses and homes as well. It is expected for the storm to dump more than a foot of rain across the Gulf Coast. Officials have ordered evacuations of bayou towns that are coming up on the storms list.

76-year-old, Eva Alexie, who lost her house in 2008 due to Ike, did not heed orders to evacuate. Her new house today sits 8 feet above ground. About a foot of water stood beneath her home Saturday (today). “I should be used to this. It happens pretty often. I just thank God it won’t be getting in my house this time.” says Eva in good spirit.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Breaking Down A Lead

Here is the lead: - "Looks like some drug smugglers are trying to spice things up.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a man trying to sneak $1.4 million worth of marijuana into California in boxes of hot sauce.
A 39-year-old Mexican citizen arrived at the Otay mesa cargo facility Friday driving a tractor attached to a trailer filled with boxes. The Tijuana resident claimed the boxes were full of hot sauce, but when officers ran the vehicles through the port’s x-ray system, they found inconsistencies in the cargo."

Read more:

In the lead the author first catches the readers attention with an interesting topic, weed. From there they start to bring up the 5w's: who, what, where, when, and why. How, is often brought up or later explained.

Everything that the author wrote in this short article had a purpose. There was no extra thrown in; they gave the reader enough information to know what happen. It starts with telling the reader what the law officers found [what]. They also tell the reader who found all the weed and who the man was that did it [who]. Then how much they found, which was about 2330 pounds of weed. It was being smuggled to California [where] on Friday [when] in a shipment with hot sauce [how]. With $1.4million worth of weed people can tell [why] he was trying to get all of it in Cali.

The little that the author did write is just enough for a good lead, but if one was to write the rest of the article, they would go into further details on the incident. It was written in good lead form and the important information got out to the reader without going into full detail.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From Doing It, To Teaching It

Although being out in the field and being on top of things can be interesting we still need people to teach the students how to know what to do when they get there. 

No matter if it’s being a film critic, writer, cartoonist, or whatever it may be Eric Harrison has had his foot in a lot of things but now settles down at Texas Southern University where he has become a professor.

Being a cartoonist paid Eric very little, but he would still do his job to his best. It wasn’t much but he did it anyways. That was at the start of his career.

Being one of the founding members of the Houston Film Critics Society has giving him the chance to go around the world to such places as France and Japan. There they would interview him about different movies and Hollywood.

He has appeared in many places; some being CNN and ABC. Not only TV is where Mr. Harrison’s work is seen, his essay Imitation on Life appears in the book The Dawn at My Back, reading for University of Texas Press.

Being from Houston, "TSU was a part of me growing up." Eric says. Being at TSU now gives him the chance to teach others what he has learned from all his moving around during the years. He can fill others heads with good words and good information for the next generation to go out into the field. 

Being a reporter for the Los Angeles Times has giving him the chance to interview many people such as, film directors, stars, editors, and many other industry positions. While there he wrote many film critics and reviews for all types of movies. 

"If I had to choose I love to be the fly on the wall" he says to his student when ask what kind of observation he likes doing the most. Sitting back sometimes can get you more information than asking questions. Mr. Harrison knows how to do both.

Sometimes you have to step out the box to see the whole picture of things. One of his biggest projects was when he went undercover to work for Public Housing. He needed a great story and he got it! "I would do it [go undercover] again", he told his students. He went in on a mission and the 2weeks he was undercover he got the information he needed and then turned it into a great story.

In 2000 Eric got the opportunity to become his hometown's chief film critic for the Houston Chronicle. He would hold that position for 5 years.

Just things like that show how much passion Mr. Harrison really has about his career. That's why he brought all his knowledge into one of the classrooms at TSU, so he could share his passion with their students and get them to where they want to be as well.

Eric Harrison claims that he still hasn't done everything quite yet. Still left on his list of "To Do", is to write a book. We'll be looking out for that.